Friday, September 23, 2011


On the subject of timing, I've been suffering from another failed relationship.
I fought for the unattainable.
I'll spare you the sad details
(of our nearing 2 year relationship)

I can't wait for the day when this stops hurting.
I can't wait for the day when this doesn't happen anymore.
I will find that day.


Sarah said...

Oh Lu! I feel you. It sucks so bad but just push through and know that your time in Spain can only help heal you being removed from it. I hope you have the best time and take time to heal yourself from this. It is the worst.
Love you!

Sarah said...

Oh Lu! I feel you. It sucks so bad but just push through and know that your time in Spain can only help heal you being removed from it. I hope you have the best time and take time to heal yourself from this. It is the worst.
Love you!