Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fall Please

Since summer is officially over (not in Los Angeles) though I'd like to think it was...

Fall is my FAVORITE season.
The colors, smells, temperature, lighting, experiences. Those variables sink right into place and have built
pinnacle memories
(childhood experiences seem to stick out the most)

Such As:

The Mood Ring

(I bought this ring in the 3rd Grade, shocked I've held onto it for so long.)
A very seasonal/Fall attachment.
Due to the fact that my hand temperature changed more often.
As a result, the more excited I would become to watch my MOOD ring change colors!

Subject Fall also brings:
sitting curled up on the couch, preferably with a hat on, reading a book, while sipping a gorgeous cup of tea....
That is my desired state during a
p e r f e c t fall day.

and wearing this ideal lounge wear:
Cardigan and Boots from Urban Outfitters
Though missing a HAT!

Plus, what's fall without Pencils?
I prefer script in pencil, always.
There's something traditional, and beautiful about that charcoal grey.

pencil sharpener such as this
is mandatory in a household!

you can pick this little baby up Here on Etsy

Fall+Me = Desk
Meet my interweb space:

After this Lengthy FAll Post,
Sadly as a southern california resident, I'll have to wait till Late October to see&feel the shift.
The excitement for fall has my mind running to and from idyllic scenarios,
I'll simmer down now.

Ciao for now!

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